Dacxi Price Up 9.3% Over Last 7 Days (DACXI)

Dacxi Chain
Jan 26, 2023


Dacxi (DACXI) traded 0.5% higher against the U.S. dollar during the 1-day period ending at 14:00 PM ET on January 25th. One Dacxi token can currently be purchased for about $0.0034 or 0.00000015 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges. Dacxi has a market capitalization of $11.94 million and approximately $290,772.47 worth of Dacxi was traded on exchanges in the last day. In the last seven days, Dacxi has traded 9.3% higher against the U.S. dollar.

Source: https://www.dailypolitical.com/2023/01/25/dacxi-price-up-9-3-over-last-7-days-dacxi.html

