Crypto 4.0
According to Cardano, Crypto 1.0 was led by Bitcoin, with the emergence of payment cryptocurrencies. Crypto 2.0 was led by Ethereum, which saw focus extend to include the blockchain technology that enables crypto-coins. This also marked the birth of the tokenization revolution. Despite this, the Proof of Work protocols experienced critical issues such as scale, speed, and cost of use.
The current era, Crypto 3.0, is aiming to solve those issues. In doing so, it aims to create more effective tokenization solutions on a general blockchain platform. “Companies like Cisco, Nokia, and Intel created the infrastructure of the internet, which enabled the digital revolution of the last two decades,” explains Lowe. “Similarly, Crypto 3.0 is creating the infrastructure upon which the token revolution will be built.”
This leads to the next big era, and the next evolution of the blockchain; Crypto 4.0. Crypto 4.0 will see purpose-built tokenization technology to deliver solutions that respond to real consumer problems. Rather than the technology-focused solutions of today, Crypto 4.0 will see an influx of bespoke, customer-focused solutions for specific industries, use cases, and countries.